It's your boyfriend.
My blog in its logical transition of becoming a full blown R. Kelly fan site... Check out the lyrics that Jesse Thorn, America’s Radio Sweetheart, posted today of the ballad "Sex Planet." A sample:
That man could sing a phonebook.
Girl I promise this will be painless, painless
We'll take a trip to Planet Uranus, anus
Stick a flaaaag on the moon
First couple to ever make love on Planet Neptuuuuuuuuuuune
And if time allow us, we'll be gone for hours
I won't stop until I give you meteor showers
That man could sing a phonebook.
God, that is like half a plane of reality removed from basically being "Piss on you".
Haters gotta hate,
Lovers wanna love,
I don't even want,
None of the above,
I want to piss on you.
Yes I do, I'll piss on you,
I pee on you.
I don't get it. What everyone else finds delightfully, ironically amusing about RK, I just find stupid and creepy. I mean, it is some ironic like of him, right? Or does everyone I know like him in a sincere way? Watching "Trapped..." made me want to rip my hair out and stab myself in the tit.
I genuinely like Trapped in the Closet, it would crack me up even if he was joking but the fact that he's serous makes it even better. Until I worked my last job at the radio station I never realized how many songs were "written, produced, and arranged by R. Kelly". Not just his songs, like a good chunk of the other R&B songs coming into the station. He's very talented but what I find fascinating though is the direction he's choosing to take with his own career. It's almost as if he's like 'ok I'm going to embrace my statuary rape whole heatedly and run with it'. This and the fact that he's kind of Teflon in the R&B community where peeing on a 14 year old and doing something as bat shit nutty as Trapped in the Closet hasn't really lost him many fans. Its a spectacle that I enjoy but don't understand, which only makes me like it more. Basically, it's like professional wrestling to me.
I feel like I'm just watching someone be stupid. And then I'm watching a whole culture be stupid. And then I'm watching a shit load of money go into stupidity. Then I'm sad. Like when I watch professional wrestling.
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