It's not a tumor!
My fantastic Monday has been followed by two miserable days. I've had my first two migraines since adolescence. Yesterday on my lunch I took a bus with my friend Caroline down to see Geoff McFetridge working on his installation at the SAM Sculpture Park Pavilion (hey look, that's me in the picture on the SLOG). While I was there my vision went fuzzy. Kind of like it was stuck in the transition from not seeing to seeing that takes place when you rub your eyes. It weirded me out but it got better so I didn't think much of it. Then an hour later back at work I could feel a migraine coming on.
I haven't had one in so long I sat at me desk in denial until I had to run to the bathroom and throw up from the pain. I asked to leave and walked home throwing up on the sidewalks of Seattle the entire way. I ran in my house and laid in my dark closet with a pillow over my head for most of the evening. At about the same time today it happened again! If I didn't feel so good otherwise my first intuition would be stress? I don't know, hopefully it's just a once in every ten year or so anomaly because it SUPER hurts BAD!
I haven't had one in so long I sat at me desk in denial until I had to run to the bathroom and throw up from the pain. I asked to leave and walked home throwing up on the sidewalks of Seattle the entire way. I ran in my house and laid in my dark closet with a pillow over my head for most of the evening. At about the same time today it happened again! If I didn't feel so good otherwise my first intuition would be stress? I don't know, hopefully it's just a once in every ten year or so anomaly because it SUPER hurts BAD!

You know that's a bit strange because the day before yesterday (and part of yesterday) I too had my first real major migraine for many years. They are awful. And there's really not much that can be done other than to let them pass. Hmm. Hope you're feeling better though...
I've been in a cycle lately myself. If we can band together, perhaps we can ban migraines in our lifetime! YAAAY! GET IN JAIL PAIN!
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