You're not Ghetto fabulous, you SLUM PITIFUL.
I just put a rap song by T-Bone "The Redeemed Hoodlum" on the Christian Music CD at work. There's a picture of him as Che Guevara on front with a cross on his beret. See below:
It was good see T-Bone is still suckling hard on the dried up tit of mediocrity; it brought back some good memories.
Back when I was music director at WMUL I had FULL AXCESS to the entire collection the of Christian rap! It was awesome. With Christian rap, like most contemporary Christian music, the idea was to make a carbon copy of whatever's popular with a christen slant. Every Sunday you could listen to mealy-mouthed DJs playing watered down versions of "new songs" that were coming out an awkward amount of time past the popularity of whatever they're emulating.
I consider the 90's the golden age of christen hip hop. With more hardcore acts like Dre and Snoop getting popular on mainstream radio christen rap tried to follow suite. I specifically remember T-Bone because he would act like he was going to say “mother fucker” but instead say “mother, father, sister, brother”. I don't know if it was T-bone or not but in one song with exact Snoop Dogg cadence, I kid you not, I heard the phrase "smoking the Jesus chronic". The new T-bone, Bone-A-Fied, was more Nü Metaly. I can just see him calling up a friend a few weeks ago saying "Man, this Rage Against The Machine you loaned me changed my life."
T-bone, keeping it real for people who still think "keeping it real" is still a SUPER cool phrase to say.
I've been listing to Trina non-stop recently. If it's encouraging her male suitors to "put their face down in her chu-cha" or "fuck the dog shit" out of her, the Diamond Princess keeps me blushing though and though. She also has one of my favorite album covers off all time.
Speaking of chu cha's (or the holy union of a chu-cha and a tinky) Todd and Mel's wedding was super fun. I danced for like eight hours straight at, and after, the reception. I'm still sore. James put up a flickr group for the wedding here.
It was good see T-Bone is still suckling hard on the dried up tit of mediocrity; it brought back some good memories.
Back when I was music director at WMUL I had FULL AXCESS to the entire collection the of Christian rap! It was awesome. With Christian rap, like most contemporary Christian music, the idea was to make a carbon copy of whatever's popular with a christen slant. Every Sunday you could listen to mealy-mouthed DJs playing watered down versions of "new songs" that were coming out an awkward amount of time past the popularity of whatever they're emulating.
I consider the 90's the golden age of christen hip hop. With more hardcore acts like Dre and Snoop getting popular on mainstream radio christen rap tried to follow suite. I specifically remember T-Bone because he would act like he was going to say “mother fucker” but instead say “mother, father, sister, brother”. I don't know if it was T-bone or not but in one song with exact Snoop Dogg cadence, I kid you not, I heard the phrase "smoking the Jesus chronic". The new T-bone, Bone-A-Fied, was more Nü Metaly. I can just see him calling up a friend a few weeks ago saying "Man, this Rage Against The Machine you loaned me changed my life."
T-bone, keeping it real for people who still think "keeping it real" is still a SUPER cool phrase to say.
I've been listing to Trina non-stop recently. If it's encouraging her male suitors to "put their face down in her chu-cha" or "fuck the dog shit" out of her, the Diamond Princess keeps me blushing though and though. She also has one of my favorite album covers off all time.
Speaking of chu cha's (or the holy union of a chu-cha and a tinky) Todd and Mel's wedding was super fun. I danced for like eight hours straight at, and after, the reception. I'm still sore. James put up a flickr group for the wedding here.
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