The Weekend Roundup...that sounds sporty right?

Now that we've played (and been beat by) every team in the Westcoast Kickball League I can give you my honest opinions on the funniest teams of 2005.
1. Champain Jammm - Obviously, we're the funniest team in the league. Everyone tells us so! I think that might be just because we've lost a lot and they feel bad for us, but for reals check out the pictures, really there's no doubt about it.
2. Hell Toupee - Our rivals in fun and suckyness. It wasn't a pity party when of the two crappyest teams in the league faced off. They rammed us but we gave them a reach around and everyone left happy. They loved our sign that said "You Are Keytarded" and um, they have a KEYTAR and a MEGAPHONE, nuff said.
3. The Pirates - My favorite team of all time. Having been in the league all three years they were by far the worst team season one. What a difference three years makes, with basically the same team this year they are in the number two spot with a 7-2 record going into the finals. Their inspirational story gives us hope.
4. Private School Punks - Coached by Bud, my fellow teammate and "bash brother" for the two years prier to The Jam, their beating of a pinata full of beer to a foamy pulp was one of the best taunts we recived all year.
5. Danger Moustache - Renouncing their first two seasons title as "king dicks of the WKL", the DM were pretty mild this year. The guy who bought The Stranger called me Moby a lot but I called him "poor mans Gallagher" (as in sledge-o-matic) earlier, it was a good time had by all! We actually enjoyed playing them, and the game was pretty competitive, one of our better games actualy.
6. The Love - They were very good natured about me dousing them with bottles fake patchouli so obviously their awesome. Not only that, they had one of the best quotes of the season when, while drenching them, someone said "patchouli, fuck that, I wear rose oil!" Hippying it up right till the end they even came and asked if could recycle our poster board after the game, seriously THEY RECYCLED OUR POSTERBOARD, god bless them.
7. The Darkside - We almost won this one, so that made it a really fun. We did our "hey dorkside where's your lamesavers"/ten-sided die landing on dork/dressed in renaissance fair gear taunt to start the game and they just starred blankly at us. For me, this brought their fun quotient down some, not that we haven't been starred at blankly for many of our pre-game taunts but the enjoyably of words like "Dorkside", "lamesavers" and our actual making of a ten-sided die should be universal. Oh, em, and there's this.

8. Kung Fu Street Hustlers - I really don't remember much about them, they threw around the word "chi" a lot. As in, "He's got the chi" which reminded me of 'The Last Dragon', so that's fun.
Moving on to the only two teams that left negative impressions on me.
9. El Camino - They threw beer in Heather's face when she was dressed up as our Champaign bottle mascot Korky. Beyond all that they really just weren't fun.
10. Dead Yuppies - Insult to injury, a few of them were just jerks. They stole our glitter filled water balloons. That's ok, turn a round's fair game. They literally sat down in the outfield after gaining a healthy lead; even know they've got the best record in the league and us the worst. OK, so that's pretty jerky, but whatever. What made me angry was when Peter made an amazing slide to try and catch a ball landing awkwardly on his leg, before knowing if he was alright I heard them making fun of him for missing the ball. Lame.
We have our huge blow out tomorrow in the FESTIVAL O' LOSERS vs. our arch rivals the Hell Toupee. The winners of the game will be crowned the biggest losers of the league (don't make me explain), a title the Champain Jammm have rightfully earned. Wish us luck! We have LOTS of plans up our sleeves; pictures will be coming soon.
Side note 8/18: At the final game some Dead Yuppies got us the hose to operate our slip and slide. As a whole (when competition's not rearing its uggy uggy head) they are nice.
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