Wedding crashers.
The Movie Guy at work was kind enough to give me a sneak preview pass to see Wedding Crashers this past Monday. It's really good; I highly advise it for the fans of Old School. Hearing me and The Movie Guy talk about Wedding Crashers a few times this week has provoked our security guard to tell an especially cringe-worthy story. I've heard him tell this twice now, once to me and then again to our director of client services (the closest thing we have to a HR person here in Seattle). I'll paraphrase to the best of my ability:
Seriously, you don't know how much it does my poor heart good to have someone around work that will talk about shits and pubes. Speaking of pubes I found a quote about Rudi Gernreich today that I liked. "He bared breasts and pubic hair, shaved heads and bodies, and passed out guns, all in the name of fashion." - Marylou Luther
Ok, here's a picture of Paris Hilton that I found on my new favorite blog The Superficial
A buddy of mine and I were a few sheets to the wind and we crashed a wedding reception long time back ago. It was one of these debutante weddings and everyone there was real classy. This proper lady came up to me and said "you've got a lot of chest hair" so I said "that's not chest hair, it's my pubic hair GONE WILD". Then she ran off screaming, it was just one of those classic reactions, you know?
Seriously, you don't know how much it does my poor heart good to have someone around work that will talk about shits and pubes. Speaking of pubes I found a quote about Rudi Gernreich today that I liked. "He bared breasts and pubic hair, shaved heads and bodies, and passed out guns, all in the name of fashion." - Marylou Luther
Ok, here's a picture of Paris Hilton that I found on my new favorite blog The Superficial

hahahah, I think Wally told me that story too. Wally rules.
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