Tooth vacation.
Yey insurance! I got my upper and lower wisdom teeth taken out this morning. Now I'm on a diet of soup, advil, hydro-codeine, and popsicles. I'm feeling decent though. Post surgery I even went to Scarecrow and got some movies. 'Gap-Toothed Women' (tooth movies seemed à propos) a documentary about distinguished gap-toothed women such as Lauren Hutton and Sandra Day O'Connor. Another documentary, (and one of my favorites) Ross McElwee's 'Sherman's March' and K. Gordon Murray's Puss 'n Boots.
My new headshot for gigs.
My new headshot for gigs.

Wisdom teeth are awful. When I had mine out, the dentist took pity on me and actually put me under general because the day or two before I was to have them out, I broke both wrists and a hand. So they were all "Oh, geez, you don't need to be awake for this" and put me under, so that was awesome.
After that, I basically sat in a leather chair, doped up on pain pills, reading huge stacks of books (IIRC, almost all by Douglas R. Hofstadter, which is kinda funny because I'm not sure if that goes best with pain pills) and watching TV (I remember Samurai Pizza Cats especially on USA).
Scarecrow is awesome. I totally want to see that Chickenhawk documentary they have.
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