Bop Tart : A Friend of Freedom.
I had the weirdest voice mail from a friend this morning saying that had been hacked by "islamic terrorists", thinking it was a joke I checked the site and as it turns out IT WAS TRUE. If you logged on this morning, you saw:

I don't know if you can call them terrorists, per se. Other than terrorizing the aesthetics of web designers, I don't see how a matrix background with "No 4 AmErICA" and a Celine Dion MIDI file playing in the background is going to start a holy war. Your jihad's not even Mozilla compatible, beeyoch!
Anyways, they just changed the index so it looks like we're back in business. You know, if business means not updating the site since last June, then we're back at it. Quit brow beating me! We haven't had anything out for a while, what am I going to say?
...I assure you the new stuff we've got on the way will be well worth the wait!

I don't know if you can call them terrorists, per se. Other than terrorizing the aesthetics of web designers, I don't see how a matrix background with "No 4 AmErICA" and a Celine Dion MIDI file playing in the background is going to start a holy war. Your jihad's not even Mozilla compatible, beeyoch!
Anyways, they just changed the index so it looks like we're back in business. You know, if business means not updating the site since last June, then we're back at it. Quit brow beating me! We haven't had anything out for a while, what am I going to say?
...I assure you the new stuff we've got on the way will be well worth the wait!
Probably the best blog entry in all of interweb history.
aesthetics, not ascetics.
- mean, nasty grammar Nazi
If it's not the terrorists it’s the nazis! I'm just going to give you the password so you can fix this stuff yourself.
so weird
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