
I'm home.


In the Cedar Rapids...

Airport on my way to West Virginia via Detroit. It was looking bad
there for a while but (knock on wood) things look like they are coming
into place.


Trip update.

I've been posting about my trip via cell phone pictures and local news reports but here's a little background. I left Seattle Thursday afternoon for my Christmas break. The plan was to meet up with Heather in Waterloo, Iowa for a few days and then head back home to West Virginia.

My first plane was delayed three hours so day one of my trip eneded with me staying in the "Ramada Mall of America" (arriving at 1AM so I didn't even get to go to the MOA.) Day two, and three hours of sleep later, I got shuttled to the airport past the Mall of America, taunting me, where after waiting on a few canceled flights I was eventually was put on a five hour bus ride to Waterloo. Later that evening I arrived in Iowa where a news camera was shoved in my sleepy and greasy face as I got off the bus. Now I'm going in to day four still luggage-less and shuffling around between the clothes I left in, an outfit I bought at Target, and a pair of Heather's Uncle Jeff's Pajama bottoms. My time here has been cut pretty short by the delays but I'm having a great time. I'm, in theory, I'm leaving on the next leg of my trip home tomorrow.

The blogging of photos from my phone was mainly out of boredom the bus but it's been fun. It sounds like I have the possibility of a lot more down time (although, I'd prefer just being stuck here if that's the case) so I'll keep you updated.

A female from Chicago...

with my name made local news in Waterloo.



Trying some "live blogging" of my trip (in part because I'm bored out
of my skull). I'm doing this on a bumpy bus from my phone so I'm
limited but I'll flesh it out more later.

From the bus

On bus to Waterloo.

On the road

Fox News Store in airport.

On the road.

A Minnesota State Fair coke machine in the airport.

On the road.

Stuck last night in the "Mall of America Ramada" on my way to meet up
with heather in Waterloo, Iowa.


Well done Onion.


Tigercity, Vampire Weekend, and Soko.

Three recently discovered music artists that I enjoy.

SeeqPod Music beta - Playable Search