After 32 years of being snubbed by other types of exercise today Wii Fit offered me these kind birthday wishes.

This is not the kind of creature comforts I've come to expect from fair-weather friends Jogging and Jumping Jack. Take a hike fellows, there's a more thoughtful physical exertion in town!
PS: I'm unsure if "creature comforts" was appropriately used in this post. I said it because I think it sounds cute. I can do anything. I could shit on your head and tell you it's raining. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!
PSS: Kind friends who read my blog, I'm sorry I said that thing about shitting on your head. I thought it up and it sounded funny, like something Dr. Phil might say.
PSSS: Expect me to talk more like Dr. Phil in this year of my's my new thing.
PSSS: Thanks so much to everyone who came to my party on Saturday. It really meant a lot to me and it was so great to see everyone!