
It's not a tumor!

My fantastic Monday has been followed by two miserable days. I've had my first two migraines since adolescence. Yesterday on my lunch I took a bus with my friend Caroline down to see Geoff McFetridge working on his installation at the SAM Sculpture Park Pavilion (hey look, that's me in the picture on the SLOG). While I was there my vision went fuzzy. Kind of like it was stuck in the transition from not seeing to seeing that takes place when you rub your eyes. It weirded me out but it got better so I didn't think much of it. Then an hour later back at work I could feel a migraine coming on.

I haven't had one in so long I sat at me desk in denial until I had to run to the bathroom and throw up from the pain. I asked to leave and walked home throwing up on the sidewalks of Seattle the entire way. I ran in my house and laid in my dark closet with a pillow over my head for most of the evening. At about the same time today it happened again! If I didn't feel so good otherwise my first intuition would be stress? I don't know, hopefully it's just a once in every ten year or so anomaly because it SUPER hurts BAD!


WV Only Post.

It's crime against humanity that the Ballards Sausage ad isn't on youtube.


Gender Issues.

What is it!? A boy baby, a girl baby or one of those Jamie Lee Curtis ones?


It's a GIRL!!!!


It's a...


7:30AM tomorrow morning we find out what kind of baby parts will be in our future. Keep your fingers crossed that it's either a boy or girl...and more importantly that it's healthy.

I don't think I'll be sleeping much tonight.


My dad.

When I called my dad this morning after saying hello he excitedly said "Tell me again that you're having a baby like you've never told me before."

The conversation went as follows:

Me: "Why?"
Dad: "Just say it!"
Me: "Um, ok? Dad, we're having a baby."
Dad: Oh REEEEALLY! Well I guess if Michael Jackson can have a baby THEN SO CAN YOU!
Me: Good one. Where did you hear that?
Dad: The Steve Harvey Show! I've been dying to say that since I heard it!

The conversation continued with five minutes more of various Steve Harvey related chatter but then diverged in other directions.


Some great Flickr photo sets.

Portfolio of Probabilities - Early 60s perspectives on the future...

Grant Hamilton's 'Geometries'

Photo's from the Saul Bass illustrated 'Henri's Walk to Paris'


Obama Just Lost My Vote.

This is persuasive, I think I'm going to go with Gravel.

In Bruges.

I saw In Bruges this weekend knowing little about it. It totally surprised me! It was the perfect way to see the movie so I won’t say much more in case you’re planning to do the same. I will say it’s my favorite film of the year so far.


Thora Birch.

I just downloaded Ghost World off iTunes and it's got me thinking, what happened to Thora Birch? She went from American Beauty and Ghost World to, in just a few short years, being in Lifetime's Homeless to Harvard. What did she call someone in Hollywood the N or Jew word or something? Oh, and there was that weird thing a few years back with her dad showing up on set to help direct her in sex scenes. Yuckers!



One of those 24 year old Girl Scouts selling cookies downtown just said "they'll make your tummy smile" to me in such a way that I wanted to crotch punch her.